Thursday, May 26, 2022

Moon Vow for the Loss of Weight

This is a spell which I found in an old book that I purchased many years ago called, "Crone's Book of Magical Words" written by Valerie Worth. I used it once and had some success with it - keeping in mind that I also needed to have the motivation and perseverance to follow through with what I started using the aid of the Divine. I did; however, make some adaptions to this spell as, after all, the book merely provides the magical wording. I invoked the goddess Cerridwen because she is a goddess of transformation..

Items needed:

One gold taper candle (God)

One white taper candle (Goddess/Cerridwen)

One orange votive candle

Cerridwen Oil (see recipe below) use to anoint orange candle 

Moonstone and amethyst gemstones (offering)

Vervain herb (offering)

Sage incense (or Moon Cycle incense, if available)

Cauldron (Cerridwen is "Keeper of the Cauldron")

A piece of parchment paper and a pen

Cerridwen Oil:

1 part sage oil

3 drops Dragon's Blood oil

3 drops pine oil (or pine needles)

3 drops benzoin


1 part Dandelion Root

1 part Mugwort

1 part vervain


Cast the circle and call the corners in your usual manner. Invoke the goddess Cerridwen:

"O, Source of Wisdom, hear me speak,

 Cauldron of plenty give forth your power.

 Let your Wisdom bring transformation, and strength to those of us who need  you."

Write your specific wish for your weight loss on the piece of parchment paper. Then, light the orange votive candle. Using the flame from the candle to burn your piece of paper, recite the following incantation:





While concentrating on the orange votive candle flame still burning, envision yourself losing weight and what you wish to look like after losing weight. Close ritual and give back to the earth while releasing the spell back out into the universe.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Pet Protection Blessing/Spell

Several years ago, I used this blessing/spell to help my mother’s cat, Snowball, to get better - and thankfully, the Lord and Lady heard my prayer and it surely worked. I also use this particular ritual from time to time for my own pets as well. My husband, although he “claims” to be agnostic ;), has been studying the ancient runes for quite a few years now and gave me the idea to use them in this ritual. If they are sick, I use it as a “spell” and even if they are not, I like to use it as a blessing at Midsummer.

For each you will need: 
One 6 inch piece of square black felt
Fur or nail clippings and/or name tag (vaccination tags will also do)
Fabric paint (white) and brush
2 teaspoons of catnip (even if you have a dog or other kind of pet!)
¼ teaspoon garlic
2 teaspoons of dried cedar
One bay leaf
Cotton balls
Thread and needle
One brown candle
Protection Oil (see below)
Protection Oil: 1 part Sandalwood, 1 part Lavender, 1 part Rosemary and 1 part Dragon’s Blood
Fold the piece of black felt in half and sew two sides of it, leaving one side open. On one side of the bag paint your pet’s name and the rune symbols:
 = Algiz  (rune of protection)

= Eihwaz/Koad (forest rune) 

= Sowilo/Sigel (strength)

Pentacle symbol

Let it dry. Then charge the herbs to empower them and pour them into the pouch. Add the pet’s fur, etc.  Stuff the rest with the cotton balls to which you have added THREE drops of the Protection Oil. Sew the remaining side of the pouch closed and repeat the following incantation:
Keep the bag in a safe place, perhaps on your altar or where your animal can’t get to it.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Luck/Money/Job Spell


This is a spell which I have used twice in my life and appeared to work pretty well. 

Cast the circle and call the corners in your usual matter. As I am an eclectic practitioner,  I invoked Bonus Eventus (God deity) and Bastet (Goddess deity) to aid me in my magickal working.

Items needed:

One gold taper candle (to invoke Bonus Eventus)

One silver taper candle (to invoke Bastet)

One green votive candle (for the ritual candle/catalyst)

Tiger's Eye and/or Black Tourmaline gemstones. (offerings)

Benzoin, chamomile, lemongrass, catnip, and/or basil herbs. (offerings)

Benzoin essential oil (to anoint green ritual candle)

One white votive or small taper candle 

Cauldron (or a heat-proof container)

Powdered Dragon's Blood (Dragon's Blood crushed into a powder using a mortar and pestle).

A piece of parchment paper and a pen

(I, personally, use a gorgeous statue of Bastet on my altar)

Invocation to Bonus Eventus:

"O Great Bonus Eventus,

 God of luck,

 Lend Thy power to my spell,

 So mote it be!"

Invocation to Bastet;

"O Gracious lady Bastet,

 From your golden desert of dreams I call to Thee!

 Come forth from the cat-filled temple where you   dwell;

Feline goddess, woman of mystery, 

 Bring thy powers and thy divine cat-magick.

 I ask you to bestow upon me (speak aloud your wish/prayer and be VERY specific!)


So mote it be!"

Light the green votive ritual candle. Write your wish on the piece of parchment paper.

Concentrate on your wish and meditate a while envisioning yourself achieving your goal - hence it manifesting into reality.

When you feel that you are ready, use the white votive or small taper candle and light it from the flame of the green votive candle, then take the piece of parchment paper and light it from the white votive candle. Burn the paper in the cauldron/heat-proof container and add just A SMALL PINCH of the Dragon's Blood powder!

When you feel you are ready to close the ritual, thank the deities:

"O Great Bonus Eventus, I thank Thee for thy aid and attention and ask that you return to your respective area in peace - 

Blessed Be!"

"O loving goddess Bastet,

 Beautiful lady of Bubastis,

 I shower Thee with praise and bid Thee farewell for  now,

 Return to Thy ancient land of the pharaohs where

 where the shadows of the Sphinx dance beneath the

 sacred light of Ra,

 Until our paths cross once more,

 Blessed Be!"

Now, bid farewell to the elements and open the circle in your usual manner. REMEMBER to give back to the Earth while simultaneously releasing the spell back out into the Universe.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Healing Spell

The following healing spell was one which I had used when a long-time close friend of mine was in desperate need of a kidney transplant. I was very fortunate that it worked rather quickly and my friend received her transplant. Blessed Be!

Healing Spell

(Best performed on a waning moon, if possible.)

Items needed:

12 white circle candles

1 blue colored votive candle

Herb: Rosemary

Frankincense or Myrrh incense

Dragons Blood or Rosemary essential oil

Athame or boline 

A photo of the person who is ill

Cast circle and call corners, invoke God & Goddess in your usual manner. Consecrate all tools including the blue votive candle. Visualize healing energy in the form of a white light flowing from your hands into the blue candle while saying:





Using your boline or athame, carve the following rune symbols in the blue votive candle:

Beroc (for healing)

Algiz (for strength & defense)

Sigel/Sowullo (for good health)

Wunjo (for speed/timing)

Anoint the blue votive candle with the essential oil. Place the candle on top of the photograph and then light the candle. As the candle burns, concentrate upon the person in the photograph and chant the following incantation:



Money Jar Spell

Money Jar Spell

Obtain a small jar with a sealable lid - Mason jars or the like are perfect. Place the following herbs (a combination of whatever you have on hand), of almond, cedarwood, chamomile, clove, clover, mandrake root, cinnamon, and mint in the jar. Add some basil and curry for protection, if desired.

Repeat the following incantation 9x:

"Money within one week,

Those things I seek;

Shall come within my power,

All worries go - and monies flow;

In plenty from this hour!

As it is willed, so mote it be!"

Then, place the jar in a place in your home where you will see it everyday to be reminded of your intent.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Craft Names

Craft names. How does one choose one? I can't speak for the majority, but I knew I wanted to choose a craft name which "felt right" to me. A name that fit in along with my life and who I, personally, was.

Like so many other Wiccans, I decided to "borrow" a Goddess or God name out of ancient mythology and I have always loved the Celtic deities (as their stories have always intrigued me).

So how did I come upon the Goddess names, "Caer" and "Morganna?" Well, the name "Caer" comes from Caer Imbormeith, a Celtic swan goddess (pronounced "Ky-air"). The word Caer by itself means, "fortress" and my birth name of Kimberly translates from Old English as, "from the royal fortress."

In Celtic mythology, according to Caer's story, She lived as a swan goddess on the lake "Loch Bel Dragon." Now, I am also a student of astrology (Western and Chinese) and in Chinese astrology, I was born in the Year of the Dragon. Caer is primarily known as the Goddess of Dreams who married Aengus MacOg, the god of young love. Much of my natural  psychic abilities manifest themselves in dream form more than anything else.

Why "Morganna?" In Western astrology, I was born under the water sign of Pisces the Fish. The root word, "mor" means "sea" and in Celtic mythology Morganna was orginally believed to be a sea goddess before she was known as King's Arthur's half-sister, faerie, or sorceress. Even as a child, mermaids have always held a certain fascination for me and so the entire concept really made sense. It was as if it all just came together.

If you should wish to have a craft name,  I think it is really important to choose a name that has a special, personal meaning to you ~ a name which exuberates your soul and embodies who "you" are personally.
*Caer Ibormeith – Ireland; goddess of sleep and dreams; and perhaps a less violent version of Mare; daughter of Ethal Anubail, a faery king of Connacht. She often took the form of a swan who lived on a lake called Dragon’s Mouth, and wore a copious golden chain with 130 golden balls on a silver chain about her slender neck. She was loved by Aengus MacOg, god of young love. When he awakened from a dream of her he sought her out. After he found her, he too became a swan, and the two of them flew and sang the sweetest, most restful music ever heard upon this earth. Together they flew away to Bruigh na Boinne, his megalithic site north of Tara, where they sang so wonderfully that the whole of Ireland fell into a peaceful sleep for three days and three nights.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Honoring the Lord and Lady

Light the Triple Goddess candles:

While lighting the WHITE candle say:

"Blessed be the Maiden, innocent and fresh"

While lighting the RED candle say:

"Blessed be the Mother, fertile and loving."

While lighting the BLACK candle say:

"Blessed be the Crone, powerful and wise."

Light the Triple God candles:

While lighting the GREEN candle say:

"Blessed be the Lord, gentle and kind."

While lighting the YELLOW candle say:

"Blessed be the Father, protective and warm."

While lighting the GOLD candle say:

"Blessed be the King, forever reborn - 

Behold! The Lord and Lady are ONE!"

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Simple Aphrodite Love Drawing Spell

Disclaimer: This spell is intended to draw a partner who is best suited to you or one who is "meant" for you, but remember - you must take responsibility for any results and consequences.

Items needed:

2 tall white candles (for Goddess and God)
1 pink heart-shaped piece of paper
1 red pen
1 pink votive candle & 1 red votive candle
1 stick or cone of patchouli or strawberry incense
Cauldron or heat-proof container

This spell is best performed in the evening on a waxing moon.  Cast your sacred circle and invoke the Goddess & God. Light the 2 tall white candles and the incense. Using the pen, write the following incantation on the pink heart-shaped paper. Do not use names and avoid thinking of a specific person.


Light the pink (for love & friendship) and  red (for passion) votive candles. Meditate for a bit while concentrating on your happiness. Visualize yourself happy and in love. When you are ready, take the pink heart-shaped paper and light it from the pink votive candle flame. Place it in the cauldron or heat-proof container while repeating the incantation three times.

When finished, thank the Goddess & God and extinguish the candles.  Close the ritual and open the circle. Take the cauldron or container outside and toss the ashes back out into the Earth, releasing the spell.

Charmed, I'm Sure!

Once in a while, someone will come up to me and ask, "Can you do love spells?" and "Is that how you ended up with your husband? Did you perform one on him?" The answer to these and many other questions regarding any type of spell, can be found in the Wiccan Rede which states,"...these eight words the rede fulfill and it harm none do what ye will." It is the last part of The Wiccan Rede and a very important one at that! Yes, even love spells have ethics. Magick is the art of changing consciousness and physcial reality in accordance with will while using the laws of nature (i.e. the elements and the Goddess & God). The idea is to enhance your life without interfering with or harming someone else's. Nor should you cast spells for someone else without their consent or knowledge. In doing so, you are interfering with that persons' free will and right to choose. This includes, of course, love spells!

That being said, love spells, as well as any other spell, should be thought through very carefully. Casting a spell to gain the affections of a specific person can easily back fire on the caster! For example, suppose the intended man or woman turns out to be someone totally wrong for you? He or she may turn out to be married, abusive or just plain incompatible! There are better ways to use love spells to your advantage. Instead of asking for a specific person, ask the Goddess & God to send you the man or woman that is right for you - without any preconceived notions or ideas of what that person may look like. Another really great (and fun!) way to use a love spell is "love enhancement." After all, if your sweetheart is already in love with you, why not heat things up a bit? I find them to be very exciting and they really do work wonderfully!

What comes from "dabbling" ...

Many years ago, long before I took my faith seriously, I decided to "dabble" a bit with what is called, "Black Magick." ...